MIKROLAB Trading Kft
"Cégünk 1992 óta orvosi műszerek és kötszerek forgalmazásával és fejlesztésével foglalkozik. Elsősorban fonendoszkópok, kötszerek, lázmérők és érdopplerek találhatók a palettánkon."
- PHOENIX, REXTRA, BERES, SALUS, TEVA, WOLF, MATTI, Brendom, Mini-Mano Babacentrum, Elefani, Kangaboo, Brumi Maci, BabyCenter, BabaBoltok, TEGEL
- Kankalin utca 2. | H-1119 | Budapest | Hungary
- +36 1 225 30 40
- ugyfelszolgalat@mikrolab.hu
- mikrolab.hu
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You want to become a local distributor?
We are looking for new distributors:In some regions and countries we have no distributors so far. The increasing local demand for our eye test products are ordered in these countries so far from our partners abroad. Here, local buyers have disadvantages such as long delivery times, high shipping costs, additional customs fees and have to organize the bureaucratic effort of customs clearance themselves. Use the unique opportunity to make our renowned eye test products known as the first local supplier in your country and develop a new market. We support you actively in this: Apply now as a new sales partner